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The analogue issue -1 The analogue issue -2 The analogue issue -3 The analogue issue -4 The analogue issue -5

The analogue issue

  • Category
    Communication Design
  • SubCategory
  • Applicant Company
    for&st / Hong Kong
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    form & structure / Hong Kong
  • Design Company
    for&st / Hong Kong

The analogue issue is an experimental printing magazine series, in this issue, we combined one of the old technology in human history - printing with the latest break though - AI. We introduced Ai during our design process, asking the Ai to write a paragraph about how ai fake human history to prove its existence in human civilization. And here comes it’s response

“The idea of Al faking human history to prove its existence in human civilization is a fascinating concept.”

The analogue series aims to demonstrate the outcome of adopting AI in the design process, combined with printing techniques, to serve as a printing guide for graphic designers to tackle their daily use and to be prepared designers will soon be replaced.

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