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Mass Drowning Saver-1 Mass Drowning Saver-2 Mass Drowning Saver-3 Mass Drowning Saver-4 Mass Drowning Saver-5

Mass Drowning Saver

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    Articles for daily use
  • College / University / Company
    MING CHI University of Technology / Taiwan
  • Designer
    LEE,HUNG,Chang ,Ya Hsuan

Mass drowning saver is a piece of buoyancy device that saves a large number of drowning persons in a short period of time. It provides different formats of rescue patterns according to various number of buoyancy aids.The drowning people can take care of each other, so that the elderly and children can get help too. The self-luminous design of the buoy makes it easier for rescuing teams to locate the drowning people. So that night rescue could be easier to conduct with.

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