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Kazari Kanagu Rollerball Pen-1 Kazari Kanagu Rollerball Pen-2 Kazari Kanagu Rollerball Pen-3

Kazari Kanagu Rollerball Pen

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    Office and stationery products
  • Applicant Company
    YSTUDIO CO., LTD. / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    YSTUDIO / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    YSTUDIO / Taiwan

錺, a kind of metal craft, is often used as metal decoration for Buddhist veneration objects. As the changes of peopleʼs lifestyle, this traditional metal accessory craft has gradually developed a new design aspect apart from the initial decoration of temples, shrines, Buddhist altars, mikoshi and etc., allowing metal engraving art to be integrated into peopleʼs daily life and become exquisite and meaningful lifestyle decorations.

YSTUDIO uses orchid - a kind of flower symbolizes elegance in Taiwan, as the design theme of our Kazari Kanagu Rollerball Pen, paired with vibrant arabesque texture chiseled on the copper sheet and inlaid on the rollerball pen body. With the combination of centuries-old craftsmanship and writing utensils, you can witness our dedication and the lifelong devotion of Japanese craftsmen, and together we can convey the weight of words.

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