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Folding sterilization toothbrush

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    Bathroom & Cleaning supplies
  • Applicant Company
    Foshan Jianghun Technology Innovation Co., Ltd / China
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    Foshan Jianghun Technology Innovation Co., Ltd / China
  • Design Company
    Foshan Jianghun Technology Innovation Co., Ltd / China

The global outbreak of COVID-19 has made people aware of the importance of personal hygiene, and many people also want to ensure the quality of oral hygiene when traveling or working. However, consumers generally lack confidence in the cleanliness of hotel provided toiletries, and currently, toothbrushes on the market are not suitable for carrying around. This product can meet these needs by folding the toothbrush for easy portability. After brushing your teeth, fold the toothbrush head and handle together, and press the switch to sterilize the brush head, ensuring that the toothbrush is in optimal condition every time it is used. Consumers only need to bring a small product when traveling to ensure adequate oral hygiene.
Exquisite folding and efficient sterilization, this product adopts a foldable and portable storage design. With one click folding, the brush head can be folded inside the handle, instantly reducing its volume by half. At the same time, a UV disinfection lamp is cleverly added inside the handle to keep the brush head always clean.
The handle is fully rounded and fits the palm of the hand, adopting a hollow design technique to break the rigid image, saving materials while making the product lightweight and effortless.

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