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24Ghz mmWave bike radar

  • Category
    Product Design
  • SubCategory
    Vehicles and accessories
  • Applicant Company
    PEGATRON Corporation / Taiwan
  • Manufacturer / Business Owner
    PEGATRON Corporation / Taiwan
  • Design Company
    PEGA Design / Taiwan

24Ghz mmWave bike radar utilizes 24Ghz millimeter-wave technology, characterized by low latency, high penetrability, and weather resistance, to detect vehicles approaching the riders from behind. It has the ability to detect up to 20 moving objects simultaneously within a range of 150 meters. By integrating with bike lights or other bicycle accessories through magnetic attachment, it enhances the safety of cyclists with the easy installation of a 24Ghz millimeter-wave radar.
Product Features
1. Lightweight Design:
We understand that every gram of weight will affect the rider's cycling experience. By simplifying the cable, and changing the power source, we have managed to keep the weight of the 24Ghz radar at 35 grams. This reduction in weight minimizes its impact on the cycling experience.
2. Maximized safety detection range and objects
AJ Radar 24Ghz mmWave bike radar is capable of detecting 20 moving objects simultaneously within a range of 150 meters. Through advanced algorithms, approaching objects will be notified to the users based on their threat level via the Human-Machine Interface (HMI).

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